21 Dec 2013

Ramm Browse 37: Sustainability Report

Gordramstcams is a socially responsible entity that enthusiastically seeks out diverse forms of smut in order to peruse and ponder, creating mental calm.  The transgender smut matrix is a complicated combination of factors including inclinations, sensibilities, dimensions and layouts.  Ramm himself has demonstrated discerning ways in which to employ all of these factors in order to turn out a dazzling work to be proud of.

Often imitated (trust me) but never duplicated, Gordramstcams respects the biological and digital systems in which it resides.  Global dimming has no effect on Gordramstcams, for Gordramstcams contributes nothing that degrades the ecosystem.  And in perhaps our most paradoxical belief system, while Gordramstcams respects the ecosystem without limits, it also embraces global dimming and the slow decay of Earth's environment, as those two things are inevitable results of human presence coupled with economic growth.  Seeing as Gordramstcams does not partake in economical growth, Gordramstcams stands out with a clear conscience, like that of an open green field, blue sky and budding flowers.

The coffee we drink while posting transgender smut is bought from Colombian and Yemeni farmers who utilize age-old land sustainability methods.  The cigarettes we smoke while hunting for or producing exclusive transgender content give off eco-friendly vapor/smoke that helps manage the air for bird- and plant-life.  The computers we use to harvest transgender smut have been crafted by socially responsible corporations that keep in mind the importance of recycled, re-usable parts, thereby reducing the amount of waste in their production.  Finally, the servers that Gordramstcams run off of are powered by windmill, which reduces all harmful byproducts of electricity production including nuclear waste.

For more on sustainability go here.


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